CLEAR wholeheartedly supports the Black Lives Matter ( movement. Racism, hatred and injustice have absolutely no place in anything we do.

We know that words are not enough. We have committed to reviewing every aspect of our organisation to understand what more we can do to eliminate racism and to actively support inclusion, diversity and social justice. We will listen, learn and most importantly, we will act.

We have reviewed our service delivery in light of the easing of Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

Our latest position is:

  • Assessments, therapy and counselling will continue to be delivered by telephone or by video call wherever possible.
  • Where a face to face service is identified as necessary this will be offered where there is consent by both the client (or parent / carer) and the counsellor / therapist
  • Currently face to face activity is undertaken at our offices in Truro where social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. Only one client (or family bubble) will be able to access the office at any time and we will allow extra time between appointments to allow for cleaning.
  • Access to play and resources for children's therapy will be restricted to items that can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. Therapists will have access to 'children's toolkits'; boxes of resources that used on a rota basis to allow for cleaning
  • As community spaces open up we will review delivery in the community in line with the venue's Covid-19 risk assessment

A further whole-service review will be undertaken September unless external factors dictate that an earlier review is necessary.

Previous Covid-19 statements are available here - 25 March 2020 - and - 18 March 2020

CLEAR has teamed up with the Aviva Community Fund and Crowdfunder to raise funds that would make a real difference to the lives of twenty children.

We know that many children will be adversely affected by the restrictions arising from Covid-19. Whether that is increased risk of abuse to themselves, exposure to domestic abuse of family members; anxiety about parents or family members at risk because they are key workers; or trauma arising from separation and loss. We can help those children and young people through a range of trauma-focused and creative therapies, but we need your help to do so.

Click here to contribute to this great campaign

Here at CLEAR we have a great team of therapists who are specifically trained to help children and young people aged 0-18 to heal from the hurt and harm caused by abuse and other forms of emotional trauma CLEAR has 12 years experience of working with children and our service is accredited by the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. This means we meet high standards of clinical practice, safeguarding and good governance. We are the only accredited children's therapy service in Cornwall and one of only 3 in the South West.

As part of this crowdfunder campaign we have some fabulous and unique rewards.

A new national campaign - the 2.6 Challenge - has been created by the organisers of the London Marathon and other mass participation events to raise vital funds to help to UK’s charities.

Like all charities, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on CLEAR’s fundraising income. So if you or your family or friends would like to take part in the 2.6 Challenge on our behalf, we’d love to hear from you.

The 2.6 Challenge will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should have been the date of the 40th London Marathon. To take part just think of a challenge involving the numbers 2.6 or 26, for example, you could walk up and down your stairs 26 times, bake 26 cupcakes or flapjacks, or knit* or crochet a 2.6 metre scarf – the opportunities are endless! In these strange times just make sure you stick to Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.

You can set up a fundraising page or make a one-off donation via the website and select the ‘fundraise now’ button on the left hand column of the page and select CLEAR as your chosen charity in either Just Giving or Virgin Money Giving.

Alternatively visit our fundraising page or our #OnaCLEARday page for other ways to support us.
Every penny will help us to help children and adults affected by abuse. Thank-you!


* Our Chief Executive, Carolyn Webster, has set herself a challenge of knitting a 2.4 metre scarf, with a chance to win the scarf! – her Just Giving page is here:

In light of the new restrictions in response to the evolving Covid-19 pandemic our current position is as follows:

  • remote (telephone/online/video call) work with clients is now our default position wherever this is safe and possible
  • in the exceptional cases where face to face work with a client is essential (e.g. risk of not doing so clearly outweighs other risks) this can take place where there is specific consent and where work is done within current social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

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