CLEAR Ideas is our young people’s co-production group.
CLEAR Ideas keep us real and get involved in every aspect of the charity from development of new services to recruitment of staff. All the young people involved in CLEAR Ideas have experienced our services.
In their own words their role is:
"We are a group of young people who have experienced therapy through CLEAR. We want to continue making a difference to people's lives by fundraising and raising awareness of emotional health and wellbeing.
We want to make sure that young people can continue to have access to therapy.
We want to make sure that young people who have experienced difficult times in life can meet and learn to support each other."
And they encourage everyone to support the work of CLEAR and in particular CLEAR Ideas!
Here are just some of the great projects that CLEAR Ideas have delivered for CLEAR:
Check out the video made by Freya, Freddie and Hannah from CLEAR Ideas who wanted to make something to explain to other children and young people what happens during therapy and how it helps
CLEAR Ideas have during Covid-19 lockdown written and recorded a great song called 'My Voice Deserves to be Heard'
Give it a listen - it really is quite remarkable and very powerful!
The CLEAR 2022 calendar was inspired by CLEAR Ideas based on the theme of ‘Feelgood Food’. And includes a recipe for every month of the year with contributions from CLEAR Ideas, family and friends as well as Rio the Therapy dog!
‘H’ who has provided a homemade pizza recipe explains its feelgood value:
“It brings happy thoughts and memories into my head whilst eating it. This pizza reminds me of Granddad as he always used to always make homemade pizza.”
Hints and Tips from CLEAR Ideas
CLEAR Ideas are always looking to spread a little calm and support the wellbeing of others. As part of this they have put together a list of their favourite books, music, tv shows and films to help you feel better!
pdf Tips from CLEAR Ideas 2 (55 KB)
The Adventures of Fred & How He Got His Powers Back is a book created by CLEAR Ideas aimed at helping younger children to understand difficult feelings and how therapy can help. The book will be used as a resource by CLEAR therapists and is available to schools and other organisations.
CLEAR Ideas worked with writer Rebecca Tantony and illustrator Keith Sparrow for The Writers Block. The artwork was developed from that workshop by illustrator Charlotte Cree with additional contributions from CLEAR Ideas and Keith Sparrow
Review of the role of CLEAR Ideas in evaluating the Children’s Service
In 2013 Dr. Sarah Perry & Simon Carpenter reviewed the role that CLEAR Ideas played in the evaluation of the CLEAR Children’s Service, thanks to seedcorn funding from BACP. The review was published in Therapy Today. This is available here:
Evaluating Evaluation TherapyToday Article
(174 KB)