CLEAR for Children

 CLEAR’s Children’s Trauma Recovery Service is is proud to offer therapy and counselling for emotional trauma and abuse, to children of all ages, across the whole county. We offer 1-to-1 therapy for children 0 – 18 years old: this might also be offered to some young adults up to 25 years old, where there are additional needs (e.g., the young adult has learning difficulties). Download the CLEAR for Children and Young People leaflet here  pdf CLEAR for CYP (939 KB)  

Although the CLEAR Invictus Service is open to children and young people 11 – 21 years old, the CLEAR Children’s Service is separate to our  Invictus CLEAR Counselling Service.

CLEAR’s Children’s Trauma Recovery Service comprises a team of experienced, graduate and post-graduate children’s therapists who offer a range of creative (e.g., Play, Art, Music and Drama Therapy) and trauma-focused therapies (e.g., EMDR and TF-CBT). CLEAR offers the only all-age, BACP accredited service in Cornwall reflecting our commitment to quality, raising standards and protecting the public. All of our Children’s Therapists adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework  and are trained to ensure therapy is compliant with current Pre-trial Guidance.

Wherever possible, CLEAR’s Children’s Trauma Recovery Service tries to tailor the therapy offered to the needs of the individual child. We usually offer 12 or 18 sessions (but this may be longer in certain situations), this is decided upon by our Children’s Clinical Lead, in line with funding availability. Children under 5 years would usually be offered support with a parent or carer in the session.

In addition to the support therapeutic support offered directly to children, CLEAR’s Children’s Trauma Recovery Service also offer 6 sessions of Psychoeducation and Therapeutic Parenting Support to the main parent(s) or carer(s) of the child. This helps equip parents and carers with a deeper understanding of how their child’s trauma might still be impacting on them in the present and prepares them so they can support their child through their therapy journey with CLEAR – and beyond!

Referrals to CLEAR’s Children’s Trauma Recovery Service will be assessed by the Children’s Clinical Lead to ensure that the child is ready for therapy and that any worries or risk-related behaviours are fully understood. Whether you are a parent / carer, a member of school staff, or a professional within Social Care, we strongly urge you to read the following information around ‘therapy readiness’, before you click on the link to download a referral form. document Referral forms may be downloaded here (78 KB)  

  pdf Parent or Carer Referral (56 KB) .

  pdf Social Care Referral. (60 KB)

  pdf School Referral (57 KB)

Additional Information for schools

pdf Information Leaflet to Support Primary Schools (235 KB)

pdf Information Leaflet to Support Secondary Schools (231 KB)

Does it work?

Therapy makes a positive difference for children and young people – we see it every day but we don’t take it for granted. This is what people have told us about CLEAR …

" . . . it isn't possible to put a figure on the value of the help . . . she is a different child now, much more confident . . ." (Parent).

" . . . it helps talking about what has happened - it has made me feel stronger inside " (Child).

" I now feel like a new normal person after a very long time being locked away in myself - it is lovely to be free." (Child).

We clinically evaluate our work against a set of nationally recognised Routine Outcome Measures (ROMs) and benchmark our therapeutic provision against other national services. Our work has been shown to make a statistically significant positive impact on the outcome for children and young people across a range of measures.


We highly value your feedback on our service. It helps us understand what we do well, where we can make changes to improve what we do and where we can grow in terms of developing our services. You can provide us with feedback here


Many children continue to be part of the CLEAR community after their therapy has ended – they are invited to join the CLEAR Ideas group. CLEAR Ideas is introduced to children, even before their therapy has started, by CLEAR’s very own Fred the Ted . The video made by Freya, Freddie and Hannah as part of CLEAR Ideas will help you understand how much they have gained from therapy with CLEAR - check out their video here

 You can find our  document Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy (195 KB) here 

We are also building a bank of useful resources and links to other organisations and services that provide wider support for people and families.


Fred is CLEAR's very own Ted, with a mission to help younger children to talk about and understand difficult thoughts and feelings, and to promote kindness and thoughtful behaviour towards others.

Invictus CLEAR Counselling helps young people aged 11-21 who are struggling with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. This service has a specific referral route (see below for details).  

CLEAR Ideas is our young people’s co-production group.

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