Rebuild Mentor
The Inside Out Project has an exciting job opportunity - join the team as a mentor at Rebuild South West.
Find out more about the project here and project activities here
The job description for the Inside Out Rebuild mentor is available here: document RBSW Mentor JD (169 KB)
To apply please send CV (maximum 2 sides) and personal statement to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Closing date - Friday 24th June 2022
The Project is funded by the European Social Fund through Community Led Local Development Cornwall.
CLEAR has received a grant of £7,700 from Western Power Distribution via Local Giving. This will help to support CLEAR clients experiencing loneliness and isolation to build emotional resilience based on the principles of the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing'.
Participants will be supported to:
Carolyn Webster, CLEAR CEO said: “The grant from Western Power Distribution, via Local Giving, will make a big difference to the range of help we can offer. Many survivors of abuse and violent crime feel lonely and isolated by their experience and this has additional impacts on their mental health. The CLEAR Connect project will help to build emotional resilience so that people are more able to cope with everyday life, to reconnect with others and to make the best of the support available to them. We would like to say a huge thank-you to Western Power Distribution for their much needed support”
Delivery will be face to face where possible but for people who do not feel able to do this we can start their journey online and encourage them to physically connect when the time is right. We will also include mindfulness activities and therapeutic techniques such as working with clay, engaging with blue and green gym. People will be signposted to this new initiative as part of CLEAR’s referral and support process.
The outcomes from CLEAR Connect are for people to feel more able to support their own emotional wellbeing and mental health, and to support others, building feelings of connection and empathy.
And check out the great coverage on the Pirate FM website here
Participants on the Inside Out Coast to Coast project have recently been gaining skills and work experience at CLEAR, helping us to repair and decorate an underused area of our offices to make more space for much needed client work.
Much of Cathedral Lane is a Listed Building dating from the 19th Century, predating and providing an important part of the setting for the Cathedral. The formal listing of the buildings is largely based on the building’s external features and maintaining the internal decoration to maintain its current economic uses is an important part of conserving the historic fabric of the building.
Sean Woods, Inside Out Wellbeing Coach said: “The team did a great job with the painting and decorating – bringing a scruffy and unwelcoming area of the office back to life. Our community projects are a great way for participants to get back into the world of work and provide a positive addition to any CV.”
Sue Brown, Chair of CLEAR Trustees said: “Having a welcoming and comfortable environment, alongside our professional counsellors and therapists, is an important first step for all our clients. The Inside Out team have done a great job in opening up another counselling room to help us to cope with increased demand as we move out of the Covid restrictions.”
Inside Out supports people who are not working. The project reaches out to people whose mental health and emotional wellbeing has taken a knock during the pandemic and helps them to get back on track and into training and work.
Inside Out is funded by the European Social Fund (through Community Led Local Development managed by Cornwall Development Company), Cornwall Council and the project partners themselves.
Led by CLEAR, alongside CHAOS and Rebuild Southwest, Inside Out provides provide a mix of online (Inside) and community based (Out) support and activities to help people feel safe about reconnecting with their community, rebuild confidence, motivation and emotional resilience, and provide routes into work and training. It is unique in that it combines trauma-informed therapeutic approaches with practical, enjoyable, community-based activities.
More information about Inside Out is available here
And if you or your friends or family would like to join the project call Sean on 07483 392211 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Update, April 2020:
Both of the inside Out participants have now gone into work - one as a self employed roofer and one in groundwork!
CLEAR has been awarded £20,000 from the Postcode Local Trust, a grant giving charity funded entirely by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery to support the Adult Service throughout 2022.
Carolyn Webster, CLEAR CEO said: “We are very grateful to the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery who made this grant possible. The demand on our adult service are always high, but this has increased again as the Covid-19 restrictions ease. The funds will help us to provide vital support to reduce the harm caused by abuse and violence.”
CLEAR and Covid-19 omicron update in light of recent changes - it is clear that the situation is particularly risky. The rapid spread of the omicron variant and its consequences, together with the stricter restrictions of 'Plan B' and possible further restrictions are all likely to impact on the delivery of our services. We will review this impact early in the new year as the details become clearer. CLEAR services are closed over the holidays - from December 20th to January 4th.
Our overall approach will continue to be one of ensuring the safety of our workforce and our clients. We will, as ever, respect individual circumstances.
January 2022 Update - Although the Plan B restrictions will be lifted in the coming weeks Covid is very likely to continue to have an impact on the delivery of our services. Our overall approach will continue to be one of ensuring the safety of our workforce and our clients. And we will, as ever, respect individual circumstances.
Previous Covid-19 statements, are available here.
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