Invictus Trust Cornwall
The Invictus Trust Cornwall is providing £100,000 of funding for CLEAR to provide a counselling service for young people aged between 11 and 21 who are struggling with issues that are affecting their mental health and wellbeing
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Devon and Cornwall
CLEAR receives an annual grant from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Devon and Cornwall through the Victim care Unit (VCU) to support the victims of traumatic crime; and is part of the People In Mind - led by Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum with funding via the Integrated Care Board - which runs for five years from April 2023..
BBC Children in Need
BBC Children in Need are supporting CLEAR for a further three years (extended in October 2021 for three more years) to provide therapy for children, ages 0 to 18 who have experienced or witnessed abuse. CLEAR are focussing support on children under five as there is no other funded provision for this group.
Leathersellers Foundation
The Leathersellers Foundation have given four years support toards core costs as part of their funding strand for charities that support people who have had adverse childhood experiences.
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Garfield Weston Foundation have awarded CLEAR grants in 2022 amd 2023 grants to with core costs of running the charity.
Norman Family Trust
Grants in 2022 and 2023 from the Norman Family Trust are helping our work supporting children in Cornwall who are impacted by domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of emotional trauma.
More information about the Trust can be found here -
Spot Purchasing of Counselling and Therapy
A considerable amount of our children and young people’s therapy work is funded through direct purchasing from schools and the local authority social care teams.
Therapy and counselling for all age ranges can also be purchased directlyat a rate of £60 for an hour's session.
Previous projects and funders have included:
Lloyds Bank Foundation
Lloyds Bank Covid Recovery Fund Grant - this is a 2 year programme with an unrestricted grant of £50,000 and support for 12 months from a Development Partner.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
This contract provides support through trauma focussed therapy for children and young people referred through CAMHS to CLEAR.
Postcode Lottery
We have an award of £20,000 from the Postcode Local Trust, a grant giving charity funded entirely by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery that is supporting our Adult Service throughout 2022.
Tesco Community Grants
Tesco bags of help is providing support for CLEAR Ideas our co-production group made up of young people who have experienced our services
The money is part of that raised from Tesco Blue Tokens in the Truro store.
National Lottery Community Fund
A grant of £10,000 towards a placement / volunteer cooordinator in the CLEAR Adults Service.
CLEAR Connect
CLEAR has received a grant of £7,700 from Western Power Distribution #CommunityMatters via Local Giving - this will help to support clients experiencing loneliness and isolation to build emotional resilience based on the principles of the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing'.
Inside Out
Funded by the European Social Fund, Cornwall Council, CLEAR, CHAOS and Rebuild Southwest, Inside Out provided support for people in targeted communities in both West Cornwall and the Coast to Coast areas who were not working and where emotional wellbeing had been adversely affected by the Covid-19 restrictions. It helped people to feel safe about reconnecting with their community, build confidence, motivation and self-esteem and provide supported pathways into work and training. More information about pdf the project (1.59 MB) is available here and pdf project activities (10.03 MB) here.
Who Dares Works
CLEAR was a specialist support partner for Who Dares Works, helping people who have experienced abuse, violence and other traumatic events, the impact of which is preventing people from moving forwards into jobs, training and education, and job-search. We provided support through EMDR therapy, trauma-focused CBT, person-centred counselling and adult pyscho-education.
Led and managed by Active Plus, Who Dares Works was supported with investment from the National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund. Originally planned for the period from April 2017 to December 2019 the project was extended until December 2022. Further information is available here
Who Dares Works web page 2 CLEAR
(958 KB)
and an evaluation of the role CLEAR in the project here
WDW Evaluation CLEAR
(221 KB)
Positive People Cornwall
CLEAR provided specialiast support for people who have experienced abuse, violence and other traumatic events, the impact of which is preventing people from moving forwards into jobs, training and education, and job-search. Led and managed by Pluss, Positive People Cornwall is supported with investment from the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund.
Beginning Together
Fully funded by the Tampon Tax Community Fund through the Cornwall Community Foundation - the project provided support for women between 18 and 28 weeks pregnant at the start of the project and who have experienced an abusive relationship in the past. The support was focused both on mothers to be, and subsequently on mother and child together. More information is available here pdf CLEAR Beginning Together (1.62 MB)
Family Matters
Fully funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - the project provided support for Armed Forces and Veteran's families, including partners, children and carers, in transitioning to and succeeding in civilian life. Helping them become more connected with each other and their local communities.
Working with Active Plus the project lead, CLEAR provided bespoke counselling or therapy where the project highlights a vulnerable individual within the family in need of such support.
More information is available here image Family Matters Poster (407 KB)
The National Lottery Community Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund is supporting CLEAR for three years (October 2016 to September 2019) through their Reaching Communities Fund to: support 300 children; provide family therapy for 45 families; and relationship and wellbeing workshops in 30 schools.
'CLEAR and Secure'
This was jointly funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Lloyds Bank Foundation, and Henry Smith Foundation to provide youth workers for young people impacted child sexual exploitation (CSA) and was part of National Working Group on CSA, evaluated by the University of Bedfordshire.