We provide a range of opportunities for professionals from a wide range of agencies and organisations to develop their competence. This includes play therapy, developing an understanding of sexual abuse and domestic violence, safeguarding (both adults and children) and our Level 5 Diploma Working Therapeutically with Children & Young People.

All our professional development delivery is tailored to the specific audience and delivered by qualified professionals. . We bring together experts from clinical services, the criminal justice system, education and social care to share experiences and expertise as appropriate.

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness sessions

Domestic abuse and sexual violence can impact in a myriad of ways, on our friends, family and work colleagues, including health, wellbeing and attendance at work. It is important for us all to understand the signs and provide support.

Our sessions cover

  • An understanding of the impact of abuse on mental health and wellbeing
  • Knowing how to support a friend / colleague appropriately
  • Promoting wellbeing at work thereby increasing attendance and performance
  • Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce.


Safeguarding and protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults is an important shared priority. Setting up and following good policies and practice is vital in ensuring proper safeguarding.
Our safeguarding training:

  • Can be tailored to cover specific scenarios that are relevant to your organisation or business, and
  • We can offer a Level 3 Nuco accredited, lifetime qualification.

Check out Eventbrite for our next course

Working with Adults who have experienced Sexual Abuse and Relational Trauma

This bespoke training course runs for 5 face to face sessions. It also includes 6 hours of self-study. Delivered by an experienced counselling psychologist and clinical service lead alongside an experienced therapist and professional trainer it provides 30 hours of CPD to be endorsed by CPCAB. The course also includes NUCO accredited Safeguarding L3 training (children and adults) which is a lifetime qualification

Sessions cover:

  • Trauma and its presentation physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually
  • Defining and working with the different forms of abuse (sexual, relationship, physical, psychological/emotional, including rape and CSA)
  • Guilt, Shame & Anger
  • Loss & Grief
  • Assessment & risk assessment
  • Pre trial therapy
  • Note & Record Keeping
  • Therapist/counsellor self care and reducing burnout and vicarious traumatisation
  • Pair skills practice and a short ending assessment/quiz
  • Safeguarding L3 Lifetime Qualification (Nuco accredited)
  • On completion of the training there may be an opportunity to have a clinical placement or to volunteer with CLEAR. This will depend on our capacity and a successful interview.

Check out Eventbrite for our next course

Play Therapy

This workshop provides attendees with a good understanding of Play Therapy and its use as a creative therapeutic approach in working with abuse and trauma. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of Play Therapy and its key theoretical underpinnings.

Connected to this will be presented theory on child development, attachment, neuroscience, and neurodiversity. This will be balanced with an experiential ‘play’ involving sand tray, puppets, drama, and music and will be aligned with the theory discussed, with an opportunity to explore key case studies.

The workshop is designed for counsellors/therapists who are interested in what Play Therapy is and how it can be used to support people who have experienced abuse and trauma. It is also for people who are generally interested in the creative therapy world.

Check out Eventbrite for our next course

Mental Health First Aid

 This nationally recognised, MHFA England accredited course is for people who want to build skills and confidence in supporting others experiencing poor mental health. It is suitable for workplace wellbeing champions/peer-supporters across all sectors and size of business and for anyone working in the health and care sector.
The course runs for 2 days from 9.30am to 17.30pm on 11th and 18th July and will help you to:

  • Recognise people that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention
  • Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other support activity
  • Practise active listening and empathy
  • Have a conversation with confidence through improved understanding around language and stigma in relation to mental health
  • Discuss the MHFAider® role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality
  • Practise self-care
  • Know how to use the MHFAider Support App®

Truro businesses can be funded to attend this training through the Home Office Truro Safer Streets project.

Please note, cancellation with less than 48 hours notice will incur a charge of £30 to cover costs of registration and materials.

Check out Eventbrite for details of our next course

Bystander Training

Have you ever witnessed a potentially harmful event or incident, wanted to intervene but didn't know how?
The aims of this interactive workshop are to:

  • recognise relational abuse, including sexual harassment, hate crime and bullying
  • explore the barriers to intervening when incidents occur
  • develop strategies to support safe intervention and prevention of harm

Truro businesses can be funded to attend this training through the Home Office Truro Safer Streets project.

Please note, cancellation with less than 48 hours notice will incur a charge of £30 to cover costs of registration and materials.

Check out Eventbrite for details of our next course

Understanding Self Harm

The training session is aimed at organisations and charities who would like to upskill and empower their frontline staff to confidently support and signpost someone who self-harms. We offer a 2 hour session for up to 12 people covering the following:

  • What is self-harm
  • Beliefs, attitudes and myths
  • Drivers for self-harm
  • The function of self-harm (how and why it helps)
  • Psychological and neurobiological factors
  • Link between suicide and self-harm
  • How best to support someone who self-harms

The cost is £55 perperson which includes all training materials.

Check out Eventbrite for our next course

 Diploma in Mental Health and Trauma Informed Schools and Community

CLEAR is partnering with Trauma Informed Schools UK to deliver a practical, skills based Diploma designed to equip people working with children and young people to respond effectively to vulnerable children and children who have experienced trauma or poor mental health.

If you want to support your students or the young people you work with, reduce exclusions, improve pupil attendance and help staff retention then this certificated training is a must! The Cornwall Regional Diploma starts in Autumn 2023, in Truro. 

More information is available here and to apply email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


For more information about our continuing professional development delivery or to discuss your specific requirements please contact our Training Team – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow us on Eventbrite and subscribe to our Newsletter 



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